SEPA Direct Debit

SEPA Direct Debit is a payment-integration initiative operated by the European Union. It promotes cross-border direct debit transactions across its 28 member states and the 4 countries of the European Free Trade Association (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland). As well as, Andorra, Monaco and San Marino.

It allows any customer with a bank account in the Eurozone the freedom to make cashless payments in Euro.

Payment flow

  • The customer selects their bank of choice and the specific country.
SEPA select
  • The customer must log into their online banking account to complete the payment.
SEPA checkout

SEPA Direct Debit

name description
Countries Austria flagAT, Belgium flagBE, Bulgaria flagBG, Croatia flagHR, Cyprus flagCY, Czech Republic flagCZ, Denmark flagDK, Estonia flagEE, Finland flagFI, France flagFR, Germany flagDE, Greece flagGR, Hungary flagHU, Ireland flagIE, Italy flagIT, Latvia flagLV, Lithuania flagLT, Luxembourg flagLU, Malta flagMT, Netherlands flagNL, Poland flagPL, Portugal flagPT, Romania flagRO, Slovakia flagSK, Slovenia flagSI, Spain flagES, Sweden flagSE, United Kingdom flagGB, Iceland flagIS, Liechtenstein flagLI, Norway flagNO, Switzerland flagCH
Type Bank Transfers
Processing currencies EUR
Supported currencies Refer to currency codes
Payment confirmation time 3-7 days
Chargebacks Yes
Refunds Yes
Partial refund Yes
Refund time frame 365 days
Onboarding required Yes
Recurring Payments Yes
Mobile UI Yes
Opens new window Yes
Min Transaction Limit 0.30 EUR

Available models:

  • Merchant.

Included with your Paymentwall account.

  • MOR.

Terminal 3.