
JeniusPay is a mobile-based banking application in Indonesia. Jeniuspay is an online transaction option, which the customer can use $Cashtag(a unique identity to replace account numbers for Jenius users) to complete the payment in a smarter and safer way with a single mobile app.

Payment flow

  • Step1: Selet Jeniuspay as the payment method
Jenius Pay select
  • Step2: Enter the required personal information $Cashtag(a unique identity for Jenius user), name, email and phone number.
Jenius Pay enter information
  • Step3: Receive a notification in Jenius application to confirm the payment
Jenius Pay confirm payment
  • Step4: Complete the payment in Jenius application
Jenius Pay complete payment


name description
Countries Indonesia flag ID
Type E-Wallet
Processing currencies IDR
Supported currencies Refer to currency codes
Payment confirmation time Instant
Chargebacks No
Refunds No
Onboarding required No
Recurring Payments No
Mobile UI No
Open new window No
Min Transaction Limit 10,000 IDR

Available models:

  • Merchant.

Included with your Paymentwall account.

  • MOR.

Terminal 3.