Culture Voucher

Culture Voucher is a popular online payment method in Korea. It requires the customer to register an account and recharge the card points before making a payment.

Payment flow

  • Customers must log into their Cultureland account with their ID and password.
Culture Voucher checkout
  • After signing in, the customer has two options to pay:

1) pay with the balance by clicking ‘Next’.

2) pay with a gift voucher by choosing this option and entering Serial Number then clicking ‘Next’.

Culture Voucher preset

Culture Voucher

name description
Countries South Korea flag KR
Type Cash and Prepaid
Processing currencies KRW
Supported currencies Refer to currency codes
Payment confirmation time Instant
Chargebacks Yes
Refunds Yes
Partial refund No
Refund time frame 365 days
Onboarding required Yes
Recurring Payments No
Mobile UI No
Open new window No
Min Transaction Limit 0.30 EUR

Available models:

  • Merchant.

Included with your Paymentwall account.

  • MOR.

Terminal 3.