SpiderPipe - PayPal
There are several steps to connect your PayPal account to Paymentwall.
Create a paypal merchant account
In order to set up a PayPal payment method, a PayPal account needs to be created. Please make sure that your PayPal account matches the following criterias.
The account type should be BUSINESS.
The account status must be verified.
The linked credit card(s) should be confirmed.
You should be able to receive payments in your country.
Configure IPN listener and callback url
Log in to your PayPal account.
Click Account Settings on the popup menu.

- Select Notifications and find Instant Payment Notifications from the page, click on Update

- Click Choose IPN Settings to specify your listener’s URL and activate the listener.

- Specify the URL for your listener in the Notification URL field and check Receive IPN messages (Enabled) to enable your listener.

- Click Save and below screen should appear which shows your current settings:.

Configure your payment receiving preferences
- Click on the Account Settings tab on your account.

- Select Business Information and click on Update.

- In Your budiness information section, check Credit Card Statement Name.

Add your PayPal merchant account
- Log in to your Paymentwall Merchant Area and click Account Settings on the menu.

- Choose SpiderPipe Accounts section under Settings and click on Add Payment Account button.

- Select PayPal as the payment system.

- Enter your primary email address.

The primary email address could be found at Account Owner Information tab in your PayPal account. You may also change it by clicking Update.

- Enter your API credentials and signature from your PayPal account.

Click here to obtain your API credentials. On the opening website, click Request API Credentials on the API Access page.
Select Request API signature and click Agree and Submit to generate a set of Signature credentials and click Save.
Multi-user access
Log in to your PayPal account and go to your profile page.
Select Account access on left side to find Manage Users.

- Click Add User.

- Fill in the User’s settings, User’s first and last name should be set as
Admin Paymentwall

Enter custom User ID and Password (shared with Paymentwall).
These credentials should be entered to the PayPal account setting at Paymentwall (Multi-User Access section – User ID and Password textfields).
- Assign permissions.
In Permissions section, check Process refunds and resolve disputes, Cancel payments and Set up automated payments.
In Administration section, check View Profile.

- Click on the Save button and confirm the sub account created, you should see below screenshot as confirmation.

Payment data transfer
Go to the Profile and Settings tab on your PayPal account.
In the Website payments tab, click on Update next to Website Preferences option.

- Set both Auto Return and Payment Data Transfer (optional) to ON.
- You can see that an Identity Token has been created. Paste this on Paymentwall side inside “Identity Token” section. *

Next Step
Now you can start monitoring your PayPal payments with your Paymentwall account!