Website Standards
Make your website compliant
Here is a short visual guide with Visa/MasterCard/
Discover/Amex requirements

Company registration
Add your company registration name and address on the website. They should be visible at the final checkout page. Possible solution is to have this information visible and accessible in the footer of the website.

Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Refund Policy should be clearly visible on the website

Customer support
Customer support contact information ( email or phone number) should be easily found on the website

Terms of Service
Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Refund Policy should be disclosed:
- Either in the sequence of pages before final checkout, a “click to accept”, other acknowledgement button, checkbox, location for Electronic Signature;
- Or on the checkout screen near the submit button.

Secured by TLS
The payment page is secured by TLS. Your website address should start with “https://“
Let’s sum up.
Each website involved in online commerce is required to comply with the following standards:
1. Add your company registration name and address on the website. They should be visible at the final checkout page.
2. Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Refund Policy should be clearly visible on the website.
3. Customer support contact information ( email or phone number) should be easily found on the website.
4. Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Refund Policy should be disclosed:
- Either in the sequence of pages before final checkout, a “click to accept”, other acknowledgement button, checkbox, location for Electronic Signature;
- Or on the checkout screen near the submit button. 5. The payment page is secured by TLS. Your website address should start with “https://“.
In case of any questions, feel free to contact us at